Saturday, October 23, 2010

A very Interesting Candle/Flower Holder

Have not been blogging for some time. AGAIN! Well, been super busy at work and now's the time for exams and so on and so forth...
Here's a new project that I came up with some time ago. I used alot of Tattered Angels products for this. Using the Glam, take a brush and paint it all around a sheet of transparency. (the ones that you can get at any stationery shop) It will dry quite fast. I was surprised that it actually could dry and not peel off too. So with that pretty sheet of painted transparency sitting around, I thought for a long time before I hit upon the idea of making a candle or flower holder. Then I selected some flowers, from Prima and Daiso (hee hee!!) and used the Glimmer Glaze and painted the white ones. See the shimmer in the last picture? I love love love that effect!!
I also sprayed Glimmer Mist over the doillie to make it less stark white. End result! Hope you like it!
Do come on down to Laines Papeterie if you wish to know more of how to make this very pretty candle/flower stand!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Woopeeee!!! We've got more and more people on our team! (Does that mean less work for me??!! Wahahahaha!) Here's the newly updated list for our new Creative Team members! Congrats ladies!
Most of them I know. The new faces for me are Janice and Justina. Hope to get to know you gals better!!
Welcome Susan! Love your work for the longest time! Michelle has already been with us for some time, teaching part time at PMKT PS. Happy to have you on board!
And not forgetting Betty! Our all time fav!! Yeah yeah Betty! July is another of my fav person! She's such a talent and a dear dear friend!
The rest of them all have their blogs on my blog list! Be sure to visit all of them to leave many many love love! Muacks!
Happy Friday! It's a long long day/night for me!!