OMG!! I have been soooooo busy I cant even find time to do my fav thing! Scrap!
December has been the craziest month. I barely have time to breathe and I think I haven't visited the loo in days! Hahahaha! Just kidding! Anyways....I'm happy to be back at my blog even though I know only hubby and a few good pals read it! Hehehehe! Good to be famous or better to be invisible? Hmmmm.... Who doesn't want to be famous? I would LLLLOOOVE to be well known, but I dont think so I'll cope too well with "famousdom". *Chuckle*
I know of people who are so out to make a name for themselves and they become so shallow as a result. Why make yourself miserable by trying to be something you're not? If you are good enough, you will naturally be well known in your chosen field. Otherwise, why make yourself and the people around you sick and tired of you??!!
Maybe I'm just too cynical. But I really like the little world that I've created and I dont need other people to know how good or how fantastic I am. Just the people that I treasure and the ones I call friends. They're all I need really. It's fun to be well known, but there is no need to chase after it like doggies chasing after their tails.
Take scrapbooking for example. I'd love to be well known and well liked like Ali Edwards, Mara May, Lisa Bearnson etc. Or our local celebs like Aida Haron, Jaq Yeo,
Sharon etc. But knowing myself very well, I know I cant do it. I have my own little talent and it's just not at that level. But I'm ok with it. I still love SB very much and I scrap from my heart. I will never give up this hobby just coz I've not been chosen for some design team or other. I hope that aspiring scrappers out there can scrap for the love of the hobby and not for some misguided need to be well known. The enormous amount of work, sweat, and tears put in by these talented people are oftentimes not known. I applaud their dedication to this wonderful hobby and I salute their absolutely perfect time management!
Coz I know that I am simply unable to keep up!
Cheers all! Have a wonderful 2009 and scrap from your heart!